
Artisan Baking by Maggie Glezer

"He [Craig Ponsford] believes that minimizing the dough's exposure to the air allows the bread to retain its creamy color and wheaty aroma".

"Turn the [ciabatta] dough, using plenty of flour for dusting 3 or 4 times in 20-minute intervals, that is, after 20, 40, 60, and 80 minutes of fermenting, then leave the dough undisturbed for the remaining time. You will be amazed at how much the dough firms up during the turning."

"Interestingly, different conditions favor the production of different acids. Temperatures in the range of 95F (35C) to 104F (40C) and wet batterlike starters favor the Lactobacilli that excrete lactic acid. Temperatures around 68F (20C) and stiff doughlike starters favor the Lactobacilli that excrete both acetic and lactic acids".

"Dr. Richard-Molard also pointed out that acetic acid takes a relatively long time to form in a starter or dough. Lactic acid is produced in much greater quantities, and so builds up more quickly in the dough. Many bakers, aiming for a more pronounced sour flavor, will refrigerate or "retard" their doughs overnight for the extra time and cool temperatures to increase the acetic acid content of the dough. Bakers looking for a more mild effect use liquid starters and avoid the retarder, baking the bread the same day it is mixed".

"Overfermentation is the biggest pitfall to avoid when using pre-ferments, Craig [Ponsford] emphasized. Doughs made with overfermented pre-ferments tend to tear during shaping, deflate while proofing, and bake up into smaller, less-open breads."

"This pre-ferment [biga] was developed to bolster extremely weak Italian flours and is still used to strengthen a dough via the acetic acid, which reinforces the gluten."

Classic Sourdoughs by Ed Wood

"The reason for all this detail is to explain and promote the idea that a dough consistency of about 63 percent flour and 37 percent water is worth achieving".

"Remember, you have to catch two organisms, not one. While you can see convincing evidence of wild yeast in your mixture when the foam appears, that doesn't tell you much, if anything, about the presence or absence of good lactobacilli."

Professional Baking - Fourth Edition by Wayne Gisslen

"Because of the improved gluten structure, mixing time is reduced, meaning less air is mixed into the dough, improving the dough's color and flavor. This is because oxygen in the air has a bleaching effect."

"Notice that only the flour and water are included in the autolyse. The yeast or starter, the salt, and other ingredients are not added until after this rest period. If the yeast or starter were added to the dough before the autolyse, the yeast action would increase the acidity of the dough, and this acidity would inhibit the enzymes from acting. If the salt were added, it would make the gluten tougher and less stretchable".

"Keep in mind that lower protein content means a lower absorption ratio".