Bread formulas


RA1 Desired Amount of sourdough culture relative to final dough
RA2 Desired Amount of starter dough relative to final dough
H1 Given Hydration of the sourdough culture
H2 Desired Hydration of the starter
H3 Desired Hydration of the final dough
S Desired Amount of salt relative to final dough
W Desired Amount of dough
All amounts by weight.
Abbreviations: RA = Relative Amount, H = Hydration, S = Salinity, W = Weight

How to determine the quantities

RA1 Desired 100% x sourdough culture/final dough
RA2 Desired 100% x starter dough/final dough
H1 Given 100% x water in sourdough culture/flour in sourdough culture
H2 Desired 100% x water in starter/flour in starter
H3 Desired 100% x water in final dough/flour in final dough
S Desired 100% salt/final dough
W Desired Amount of dough
All amounts by weight.
Abbreviations: RA = Relative Amount, H = Hydration, S = Salinity, W = Weight

Compute for 100 gram of final dough

#1 RA1
#2 RA2-RA1
#3 100-RA2
#4 S
#5 100 x RA1 / (100 + H1)
#6 RA1 - #5
#7 100 x RA2/ (100 + H2) - #5
#8 #2 - #7
#9 100 x (100 - S) / (100 + H3) - #5 - #7
#10 #3 - #4 - #9

Complete the table for 100 gram of final dough

Flour Water Salt Total
Sourdough Culture #5 #6 0 #1
Starter #7 #8 0 #2
Dough #9 #10 #4 #3
Total #5 + #7 + #9 #6 + #8 + #10 #4 100

Complete the table for the desired weight of final dough

Compute the multiplication factor F = weight of final dough (in gram)/100. Multiply all elements in the table for 100 grams of dough with the multiplication factor F.