Adding salt after fermentation

In this experiment the salt, dissolved in a bit of water, is added after the first fermentation. Thus the complete dough, except for the salt and a bit of water, is first prepared and fermented. This allows the yeast to further multiply before salt is added.

All breads are prepared as follows:
Culture 7
Flour starter PRIBRD001
Flour dough Flour mixture 1
Formula 35-95-50-54-60-1-500
Procedure -
Fermentation 2.5 hours at 30 C
Proofing 1.5 hours at 30 C

Feeding schedule
  • Start with 4 gram of sourdough culture. Mix and knead with 7 gram water and 14 gram flour. Let ferment for 12 hours at 22 degrees Celcius.
  • Take the 25 grams of prepared culture and mix and knead with 50 gram water and 100 gram flour. Let ferment for 12 hours at 22 degrees Celcius to obtain around 175 gram of starter.
Bread making
  • To make 300 gram of dough, mix and knead 193 of flour with 107 gram of water. Place in a cup and cover with clingfilm for 12 hours.
  • When the starter is ready, knead the 175 gram of starter with the 300 gram of dough. Let ferment until doubled in size.
  • Dissolve 5 gram salt in 20 gram water.
  • Knead the 25 gram of the salt/water mixture into the fermented dough.
  • Shape, proof and bake.
Day 1
Day 2
Day 3
Day 4
Day 5
Day 6

The dough was proofed overnight in the fridge.