Propagating a sourdough culture at 22 degrees Celcius

After propagating the sourdough culture at 30 degrees Celcius an attempt is made to propagate the culture at 22 degrees Celcius.

A main requirement is that the starter should ferment so that it just reaches its peak volume after 24 hours.

For propagating the culture at 30 degrees, the starting amount is around 0.3 gram which is increased to about 10 gram in 12 hours. Five grams of this is used to obtain a 175 gram starter. Thus the ratio between final amount and start amount is large.

For propagating the culture at 22 degrees the fermentation is much slower and thus a larger starting amount is required.

All breads are prepared as follows:
Culture 7
Flour starter PRIBRD001
Flour dough Flour mixture 1
Formula 5-35-50-50-60-1-500
Procedure -
Fermentation 2.5 hours at 30 C
Proofing 2.0 hours at 30 C

Day 1

Feeding schedule
  • Start with 4 gram of sourdough culture. Mix and knead with 7 gram water and 14 gram flour. Let ferment for 12 hours at 22 degrees Celcius.
  • Take the 25 grams of prepared culture and mix and knead with 55 gram water and 110 gram flour. Let ferment for 12 hours at 22 degrees Celcius to obtain around 175 gram of active starter.
  • Pinch of 4 gram to propagate and use the rest to make bread.
Day 2
Day 3
Day 4
Day 5
Day 6
Day 7